Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 22, 2015
My Son is your salvation!
- Message No. 951 -

My child. My dear child. Please write, My daughter, and hear what I, your Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children of the earth today: My Son is your salvation! If you do not find to HIM, do not confess to HIM, do not give HIM your YES, then you will be lost to His adversary, who is most deceitfully lurking and setting his traps in the form of every kind of seduction, stalling you and then letting them snap shut to steal you away from My Son, your Jesus, and plunge you into perdition: his hell!
Children, stop! You must let go of these earthly "grips" of the devil of your soul! He holds you captive, beloved children, and without My Son you will not get free! You will be lost, burn eternally, and your suffering will be endless! Your torments will be endless (!) and your torment and pain you do not know from this world, because the devil holds a repertoire of torture for his "prey", which you do not know from this earth!
My children. My children so beloved by Me. Hell is a place of horror, from which there is no escape! You will have no hope of salvation, and this realization will be horrible for you! You will wish for death, so that the torments you have to endure may stop, but your soul is immortal, and eternally it will suffer, without prospect of hope, of redemption, of an end! You will waste away, to express it humanly, but never die!
Children, don't do this to yourselves! Abandon self-realization and actions distant from God! Renounce your ego-rights, for they come from the devil and nothing but the devil will they bring you!
Do not be stupid and wake up now, because the devil does not sleep, but you are sleep-drunk and befogged and do not see the truth!
Know the truth and set out on the only path that will bring you the kingdom of heaven and eternal life in happiness and peace, joy and fulfillment: Jesus Christ, your Savior is the waythere! HE leads you home and to the Father, but without HIM you will be lost to the devil!
Do not seek your self-realization and leave off esoteric trends, new-age and tarot! All the mumbo-jumbo comes from the devil, and nothing but this will he bring you, because all ways except Jesus lead you to the evil one, who, laughing at your stupidity and blindness, feasts on you to lead you into his kingdom of darkness and push you into his hell!
Children, be warned, for only Jesus is your way, all others will lead you into perdition, and it is time that you realize this, for very soon Jesus will come, and he who has not made himself ready will perish.
Children, be warned and keep to Our instructions in these as well as the other messages that come directly from My Son! You must prepare and be ready for My Son, otherwise the devil will snap and steal you, and that, My beloved children, will have a bitter end for you.
Give your YES to Jesus so that you will not be lost and abandon worldly things! Believe in Our Word and trust in My Son, for the end is near and no child of God shall be lost!
Open your eyes, your ears and your heart, because the truth is there, only you look away, do not listen and close yourselves to it! Open yourselves for Jesus, because Jesus is the truth. Amen.
In deepest love and with My motherly protection I bless you.
Find your way to My Son and FIX YOURSELF IN HIM. The end is near and you must be strengthened in Jesus. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥